Having a neatly organized and clutter-free home is indeed very satisfying, and it can be easily achieved by adopting a minimalist lifestyle. In minimalist style, the process is generally simple and uncomplicated, making it easy to tidy up all the mess with just simple steps. But can you maintain a minimalist lifestyle for the long term?

Minimalist Living Tips to Get a Clutter-Free Home

A lived-in home naturally appears more lively and chaotic, but this clutter can be tackled by tidying up and cleaning regularly every day. A home is where family activities take place, so inevitably, there will be a lot of mess happening and accumulating without prevention. One bad habit that leads to the accumulation of clutter in a home is when we tend to gather new items.

Having a clutter-free home can be achieved if you also have a living space that supports it. Among many types of homes, the minimalist type is the one that supports a clutter-free home the most. Not only does it have a simple concept in its interior and exterior design, but minimalist homes also tend to be easier to maintain and care for.

There are several benefits to having a clutter-free home, including:

  • Effective for reducing stress
  • Can help you improve focus
  • Makes life happier
  • Leads to a more organized and controlled life
  • Increases enthusiasm for creativity and experimentation with minimalistic styles

One of the main focuses of adopting a minimalist lifestyle to have a clutter-free home is by having fewer possessions. You also need to consciously reduce unwise consumption behaviors. This way, there is consistent awareness and intentionality to maintain simplicity and freedom from clutter in the long run.

A clutter-free home is not an empty, cold house devoid of anything that might make it look messy. Instead, it’s more about the lifestyle choices you make, where the home only contains necessary and used items. Each item has its own value, stored in its proper place, and known to all occupants of the home.

Below are some minimalist living tips to achieve a clutter-free home:

1. Establish Storage Rules

Ensure that every item is stored where it belongs and get into the habit of returning items to their proper places after use. All household members should return items they’ve used to their designated spots. This significantly helps in keeping the house tidy and ensuring items stay where they should be.

2. Reduce Storage Space

Did you know that having fewer storage spaces also helps reduce clutter in the home? Therefore, you don’t need to store many items because there isn’t space for them in the house. You can start doing this in every room of the house. With limited storage space, there will be fewer items, life becomes simpler, and everything becomes more straightforward.

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3. Sort Through Items

Tidy up the house by doing it from one room to another, straightening and cleaning up one room completely before moving to the next. Prepare at least one box to contain items sorted from each room. Wait for some time to decide whether you need the sorted items or not.

4. One In, One Out Rule

The minimalist lifestyle applies the one-in-one-out rule. Before deciding to buy a certain item, think about which item needs to go out to replace it. Also, consider where the appropriate place to put the new item is; it helps you buy fewer items in life.

5. Use All Items In The House

Try to use all the items in the house before buying new ones. This applies not only to food and beverages but also to cleaning and personal care products. By doing this, you not only avoid cluttering up unused items but also save money.

6. Practice Tidy And Clean Living Habits

This tip requires establishing habits that need to be done regularly every day to be automatically incorporated into your life. Habits such as tidying up rooms, desks, closets, and beds that look messy, and immediately cleaning up if something gets dirty. These can become small daily routines to maintain a neat and clean environment.

7. Reduce Unused Items

Often, we find rooms cluttered because many unused items accumulate in the corners of the room. To overcome this, you can try sorting out which items are still used and then store them in a special place. As for items that are no longer used, you can either dispose of them (if they are damaged and cannot be used) or donate them if the items are still in good condition.

8. Provide Specific Storage Spaces For Each Item

Make sure to provide specific storage spaces for each item according to its category of use. For example, everyday use items can be placed in a common cupboard, cooking utensils can be stored in the kitchen, cleaning tools and cleaning products can be stored in a cupboard placed near the back room. In addition to making the house look clean, tidy, and clutter-free, this will also help you quickly find some items when needed.

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9. Schedule Regular Cleaning

You can also schedule specific cleaning activities regularly. Separate the daily cleaning activities that need to be done every day, such as sweeping the floor, making the bed, washing dishes, doing laundry, and others. Schedule periodic cleaning activities that can be done every few days, such as mopping the floor, ironing, cleaning the bathroom, and sorting out unused items.

10. Don’t Shop Too Often, Especially For Non-Essential Products

Sometimes we forget ourselves and buy something that is not really needed, but because it is sold at a discount, we end up buying it. To anticipate this, before deciding to buy something, make sure whether you really need it or not. Before shopping, it’s also a good idea to only bring the exact amount of money needed so there’s no temptation to buy unnecessary items.

These are some Mjcarew.com tips for achieving a clutter-free home by adopting a minimalist lifestyle. Certainly, the motivation to achieve positive changes to have a clutter-free home will also impact all the occupants of the house. Hope this helps.

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Achieving a Clutter-Free Home: Minimalist Living Tips