15 Daily Routines to Boost Creativity

Every person has the potential to be creative. Often, we hear the opinion that creativity is a talent that one is born with. This is certainly wrong because creativity is not a talent.

Just like critical thinking, creative thinking can also be honed. An effective way to hone it is through daily habits.

Creative thinking is a skill needed to enhance the effectiveness of various daily activities. Especially in the workplace, creative thinking is key in making decisions and finding solutions to problems.

In fact, creative thinking can also make us feel happier! So, let’s apply the following tips and activities to improve your creative thinking skills.

1. Keeping a Journal

If you’re thinking about how to communicate yourself, blogging or keeping a journal is a good step to start with.

Start by writing whatever you want and do it regularly, whether in the morning or at night before bed. Besides fostering creativity, writing can help you control your emotions and clear your mind.

2. Exercise to Relieve Stress

Stress can block creativity. Regular exercise is one good way to relieve stress and boost creativity. When the body feels fresh and energized, our minds are more open to new and creative ideas.

3. Blue or Green Objects

In color psychology, blue and green are associated with enhancing brain cognitive performance for concentration, planning, and reasoning.

The theory is that because we associate blue with the vast sea and sky, while green is associated with continuously growing trees.

When we see something green or blue, the brain interprets it as boundless opportunities and growth.

So, if you’ve been staring at a computer screen for too long, try stepping outside for a moment to gaze at trees or the blue sky.

4. Listen to Music

Listening to music, or even singing along, stimulates parts of our brain that regulate emotions and creative thinking abilities.

All types of music are considered to have this effect. However, if you’ve only been listening to the same genre of music, try listening to something different occasionally.

According to various studies, listening to classical music can be one of the activities that can enhance creative thinking skills.

Listening to classical music by Mozart, Beethoven, or other composers can also sharpen focus and enhance brain cognitive function.

5. Practice Combining New Ideas

One way to enhance creativity is to train the brain to generate new ideas and then combine them.

Try to associate unusual ideas or combine different ideas to create new ones. This will help build connections between different concepts and produce more creative thinking.

6. Meditation

Meditation is a simple activity, yet it has many benefits.

Just like a workout program at home, you can choose the type of meditation that suits your goals. Besides calming the mind, relaxation practices during meditation can provide a good stimulus for creativity.

To make your meditation experience more enjoyable, try using candles, aromatherapy, or classical music to help you relax even more.

7. Sleep

If your mind is stuck and it feels difficult to find solutions to trivial problems, try taking a nap.

The benefits of napping for workers aren’t just about driving away sleepiness! In fact, sleep refreshes the mind.

Even a short nap can help the brain work better to trigger the creative thinking process, make connections, generate ideas, and solve problems.

When lacking sleep, the brain actually struggles harder to function at its best.

8. Take a Course

Learning something new is like giving your mind a vitamin boost. You’ll feel excited and motivated, thus triggering your creativity.

Look for skill topics or courses that interest you. Interestingly, there are now many courses or workshops held online so you can remain productive even at home.

9. Learn from Failure and Accept Feedback

Failure can be a good source of inspiration for new ideas. Learning from failure can help you develop creative solutions to problems. Moreover, accepting feedback from others can help you see problems from different perspectives and open your mind to new ideas.

10. Meet New People

Most of us might spend time with the same group: family, coworkers, or close friends.

Try joining a community or organization that interests you. There’s no harm in expanding your social network to broaden your horizons and exchange ideas with people from different backgrounds.

11. Reading Books

Reading books can help improve our creativity by providing inspiration and new ideas. Fiction and non-fiction books can offer new insights and different perspectives.

12. Tidying Up the House

It’s undeniable that we often hear experts say “a clean house equals a clear mind.”

Creating a conducive space for activities can stimulate motivation and creativity. Surely, we will be more enthusiastic to work in a tidy room with supportive air circulation, right?

13. Drawing or Painting

Drawing or painting can help boost our creativity by providing an outlet for self-expression and new ideas.

14. Don’t Be Afraid to Think Out of The Box

Habits can hinder creativity. Trying something new and different, even if it seems strange or unusual, can open our minds to more creative ideas. Try stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring different ways to do ordinary things.

15. Playing Games

Playing games can help improve our creativity by providing challenges and problems to solve. Games can also help reduce stress and enhance creative thinking skills.

So, those are some simple activities you can do to improve your creative thinking skills

We all know how important creativity is in living a satisfying life. Whether at work, at home, or in various daily activities, creativity is the key to finding innovative solutions, expressing oneself, and facing challenges in new and exciting ways.

However, we often feel trapped in monotonous routines, and fresh ideas seem difficult to come by. By understanding some effective activities and tips to boost creativity above, we can open the door to a more creative and inspirational self.

This is why creative thinking skills is also included as one of the important competencies that a future leader must have. Creative thinking can enhance creativity in daily life and help you become more innovative and successful.

Achieving a Clutter-Free Home: Minimalist Living Tips

Achieving a Clutter-Free Home: Minimalist Living Tips

Having a neatly organized and clutter-free home is indeed very satisfying, and it can be easily achieved by adopting a minimalist lifestyle. In minimalist style, the process is generally simple and uncomplicated, making it easy to tidy up all the mess with just simple steps. But can you maintain a minimalist lifestyle for the long term?

Minimalist Living Tips to Get a Clutter-Free Home

A lived-in home naturally appears more lively and chaotic, but this clutter can be tackled by tidying up and cleaning regularly every day. A home is where family activities take place, so inevitably, there will be a lot of mess happening and accumulating without prevention. One bad habit that leads to the accumulation of clutter in a home is when we tend to gather new items.

Having a clutter-free home can be achieved if you also have a living space that supports it. Among many types of homes, the minimalist type is the one that supports a clutter-free home the most. Not only does it have a simple concept in its interior and exterior design, but minimalist homes also tend to be easier to maintain and care for.

There are several benefits to having a clutter-free home, including:

  • Effective for reducing stress
  • Can help you improve focus
  • Makes life happier
  • Leads to a more organized and controlled life
  • Increases enthusiasm for creativity and experimentation with minimalistic styles

One of the main focuses of adopting a minimalist lifestyle to have a clutter-free home is by having fewer possessions. You also need to consciously reduce unwise consumption behaviors. This way, there is consistent awareness and intentionality to maintain simplicity and freedom from clutter in the long run.

A clutter-free home is not an empty, cold house devoid of anything that might make it look messy. Instead, it’s more about the lifestyle choices you make, where the home only contains necessary and used items. Each item has its own value, stored in its proper place, and known to all occupants of the home.

Below are some minimalist living tips to achieve a clutter-free home:

1. Establish Storage Rules

Ensure that every item is stored where it belongs and get into the habit of returning items to their proper places after use. All household members should return items they’ve used to their designated spots. This significantly helps in keeping the house tidy and ensuring items stay where they should be.

2. Reduce Storage Space

Did you know that having fewer storage spaces also helps reduce clutter in the home? Therefore, you don’t need to store many items because there isn’t space for them in the house. You can start doing this in every room of the house. With limited storage space, there will be fewer items, life becomes simpler, and everything becomes more straightforward.

See also : Healthy Meal Prep Ideas to Ease Busy Weekdays

3. Sort Through Items

Tidy up the house by doing it from one room to another, straightening and cleaning up one room completely before moving to the next. Prepare at least one box to contain items sorted from each room. Wait for some time to decide whether you need the sorted items or not.

4. One In, One Out Rule

The minimalist lifestyle applies the one-in-one-out rule. Before deciding to buy a certain item, think about which item needs to go out to replace it. Also, consider where the appropriate place to put the new item is; it helps you buy fewer items in life.

5. Use All Items In The House

Try to use all the items in the house before buying new ones. This applies not only to food and beverages but also to cleaning and personal care products. By doing this, you not only avoid cluttering up unused items but also save money.

6. Practice Tidy And Clean Living Habits

This tip requires establishing habits that need to be done regularly every day to be automatically incorporated into your life. Habits such as tidying up rooms, desks, closets, and beds that look messy, and immediately cleaning up if something gets dirty. These can become small daily routines to maintain a neat and clean environment.

7. Reduce Unused Items

Often, we find rooms cluttered because many unused items accumulate in the corners of the room. To overcome this, you can try sorting out which items are still used and then store them in a special place. As for items that are no longer used, you can either dispose of them (if they are damaged and cannot be used) or donate them if the items are still in good condition.

8. Provide Specific Storage Spaces For Each Item

Make sure to provide specific storage spaces for each item according to its category of use. For example, everyday use items can be placed in a common cupboard, cooking utensils can be stored in the kitchen, cleaning tools and cleaning products can be stored in a cupboard placed near the back room. In addition to making the house look clean, tidy, and clutter-free, this will also help you quickly find some items when needed.

See also : Eco-Conscious Shopper’s Guide to Sustainable Fashion Brands

9. Schedule Regular Cleaning

You can also schedule specific cleaning activities regularly. Separate the daily cleaning activities that need to be done every day, such as sweeping the floor, making the bed, washing dishes, doing laundry, and others. Schedule periodic cleaning activities that can be done every few days, such as mopping the floor, ironing, cleaning the bathroom, and sorting out unused items.

10. Don’t Shop Too Often, Especially For Non-Essential Products

Sometimes we forget ourselves and buy something that is not really needed, but because it is sold at a discount, we end up buying it. To anticipate this, before deciding to buy something, make sure whether you really need it or not. Before shopping, it’s also a good idea to only bring the exact amount of money needed so there’s no temptation to buy unnecessary items.

These are some Mjcarew.com tips for achieving a clutter-free home by adopting a minimalist lifestyle. Certainly, the motivation to achieve positive changes to have a clutter-free home will also impact all the occupants of the house. Hope this helps.

Healthy Meal Prep Ideas to Ease Busy Weekdays

Healthy Meal Prep Ideas to Ease Busy Weekdays

Most people tend to overlook their eating patterns, especially during busy days. The result is decreased productivity and weakened immunity, which should be addressed promptly. This article will discuss healthy eating planning to stay productive and healthy even on busy days.

Stay Productive Through Busy Days with Healthy Eating Planning

Everyone has different health conditions and jobs, but their primary need remains the same: eating healthily and on time. There are plenty of healthy foods that can be prepared quickly and simply, so there’s no excuse to neglect healthy eating habits. Your body deserves rest and adequate nutrition to support daily activities.

According to nutritionists, meeting the body’s nutritional needs makes it strong and healthy. Not only that, but your mental health can also be better maintained to improve your overall quality of life. There are several benefits you can gain by striving to adopt healthy eating habits even when extremely busy, such as:

  • Keeping the body healthier and preventing various diseases
  • Increasing productivity and work quality
  • Maintaining a better mood

Even when busy, you can still prepare healthy and nutritious meals to maintain good body health. Here are some ways to make a healthy eating plan specifically for busy workers:

1. Prepare Nutritious Breakfasts That Are Practical

Preparing breakfast is important because the energy for activities on that day comes from the food consumed during breakfast. Make sure to prepare staple breakfast foods that are practical yet nutritious, such as various nuts like walnuts, almonds, whole grain cereals, fresh or frozen fruits (for smoothies), and oatmeal. Always make time for a healthy breakfast before starting your day.

2. Make Cooking Plans

Today, many homemakers and career women are becoming smarter at managing households. For example, making weekly cooking preparations or plans can keep them from high daily busyness. You can prepare ready-to-cook vegetables or other marinated ingredients so that cooking only requires a simple process.

This method not only saves time in preparing cooking ingredients but also ensures that busy individuals still eat healthily and nutritiously. Additionally, thorough cooking planning is more effective and efficient in using ingredients without waste.

See also : Eco-Conscious Shopper’s Guide to Sustainable Fashion Brands

3. Provide Frozen Dishes

Frozen foods are not limited to processed foods only; there are plenty of processed meal recipes that can be frozen for long-lasting preservation. You can not only choose the types of dishes according to your taste but also portion them out so that no food is left uneaten. Cook your favorite recipes and freeze them by storing them in the freezer.

It’s very convenient whenever you want to eat; just heat it using a stove or microwave, and your healthy meal is ready to eat. Don’t forget to label the frozen food with the production date to make it easier to manage food storage.

4. Use A Slow Cooker

If you feel overwhelmed to allocate specific cooking times, simply use an electronic device for slow cooking, namely a slow cooker. You just need to put the ingredients you want to cook in the slow cooker, then turn it on, and the ingredients will be cooked slowly without worrying about burning because it’s set with a special timer.

The advantage of cooking with a slow cooker is that the seasoning flavors penetrate better, and the texture becomes softer due to slow cooking.

5. Prepare Cooking Equipment

Thoroughly and maximally preparing cooking equipment according to your needs will greatly help you have a short, simple, and easy cooking process. Get cooking utensils that can cook healthier meals even without oil. You can also minimize dishwashing by choosing the right cooking and dining utensils.

6. Allocate Time For Grocery Shopping

Schedule at least once a week to shop for groceries needed at home. Make sure to make a shopping list beforehand so that you only buy the items that are truly needed. After shopping, organize the groceries immediately and store perishable items in the refrigerator to prevent spoilage.

See also : Meditation Techniques for Stress Relief

7. Prepare Healthy Snacks

If you’re used to snacking during daily activities, it’s best to prepare healthy snacks in advance that are ready to take to work. For example, bring whole grain biscuits, almonds, or freshly cut small fruits. Consuming light snacks will not only help replenish energy before the next main meal but also maintain your focus and concentration at work.

8. Meet Fluid Intake

In addition to preparing healthy foods as mentioned above, it’s also important to meet fluid intake in the body. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You can also bring juice or fruit juice if you want to drink refreshing beverages.

Those are some Mjcarew.com specific healthy eating plans for those who are experiencing busy workdays. Whatever your busy schedule is, make sure to maintain your body’s health by consuming healthy and nutritious foods.

Eco-Conscious Shopper’s Guide to Sustainable Fashion Brands

Eco-Conscious Shopper’s Guide to Sustainable Fashion Brands

When discussing sustainable fashion, it inevitably revolves around clothing. Clothing is the largest contributor to environmental waste. Almost all clothing uses plastic materials, where microplastic fibers are absorbed into water and trigger environmental pollution.

What Sustainable Fashion Brands Embrace Environmentally Friendly Concepts?

Fashion is an integral part of human life. The increasing demand for fashion has proven to have adverse effects on the environment. Therefore, significant lifestyle changes are needed to reduce these impacts by prioritizing eco-friendly and sustainable fashion.

With the rising demand for fashion, there are now brands that cater to sustainable lifestyles with environmentally friendly modes. The designs created can also be contemporary fashion styles while still maintaining environmental consciousness.

Here are some sustainable fashion brands that embrace environmentally friendly concepts:

1. Sejauh Mata Memandang

Sejauh Mata Memandang is a fashion brand created by Chitra Subiyakto, committed to creating environmentally friendly fashion. This commitment is based on the fact that fashion contributes the most to pollution on Earth.

Through the Sejauh Mata Memandang brand, the owner aims to show love for Indonesia and the Earth by being more responsible for the environment through their design creations. Additionally, this fashion brand empowers communities to package clothes that support sustainable living concepts.

2. Wilsem Willim

In collaboration with Lezing, Wilsem William launched environmentally friendly products made from biodegradable materials such as paper pulp, with an environmentally friendly production process in creating fashion trends. One of their successful sustainable fashion collections is the spring-summer 2020 collection titled ‘Anatomy’.

In this collection, Wilsem William explores contemporary silhouettes and cuts that remain tailored. Almost all of the collection’s dresses, shirts, blazers, and skirts feature black and white colors. Therefore, collections from this sustainable fashion concept are suitable for those who like earth tones or monochrome.

See also : Meditation Techniques for Stress Relief

3. Lanivatti

Lanivatti is a local fashion brand created by photographer Nicoline Patricia. In collaboration with Tencel, Nicoline Patricia successfully launched the latest fashion collection titled “Beyond Borders”.

Through the Beyond Borders collection, Lanivatti selects fashion products made from cellulose fiber materials that consider body temperature, making them suitable for both summer and winter seasons. This collection is undoubtedly suitable as a sustainable concept because clothes can be used in two seasons simultaneously.

4. Rapahaus

Rapahaus collaborates with craftsmen in small villages to preserve Indonesian textiles and prevent them from losing their identity. Considering that many textile processes are now done using machines rather than traditional methods, they are far from sustainable concepts.

Through the fashion trends they create, Rapahaus combines traditional leisure wear designs with handmade concepts using natural materials that do not harm the environment.

5. Cottonink

Cottonink is a fashion brand that keeps up with launching new innovative clothing to support sustainable living concepts. The collection they launched is sustainable fashion titled Pastel Whimsical.

The launch of this collection invites the public to choose fashion not only as a lifestyle but also to embrace sustainable concepts.

It’s not just the above five fashion brands that can be used to reduce environmental impact. There are many brands you can choose from with trendy model concepts.

See also : Achieving a Clutter-Free Home: Minimalist Living Tips

Implementing Sustainable Fashion

In implementing sustainable fashion, the steps that can be taken are:

  • Care for Clothes: Taking care of existing clothes is a basic yet essential step in reducing the negative impact of fashion on the environment. This is necessary to ensure clothes have a long lifespan and promote sustainable living choices.
  • Invest in Good Quality Clothes: Good quality clothes here do not necessarily mean expensive clothes but are evaluated based on the durability of the materials used and the quality of the stitching, which should not easily come apart. Additionally, comfort when worn should also be considered.
  • Buying Clothes Is the Last Resort: Applying the principle of buying clothes as a last resort proves effective in leading a sustainable life, especially when the desire to buy new clothes naturally arises. Therefore, to counteract this, you can use methods such as borrowing, renting, buying second-hand, and exchanging clothes.
  • Prioritize Natural Fabrics: When choosing clothing materials, it is best to prioritize linen and cotton fabrics. This is closely related to washing clothes. Linen and cotton fabrics do not release microfibers that can cause environmental pollution.

By consistently following sustainable fashion trends and implementations, it will reduce the negative impact on the environment. Therefore, following lifestyle trends will not disrupt environmental safety.

Meditation Techniques for Stress Relief

Meditation Techniques for Stress Relief

Many people believe that a quiet space, special music, or specific rituals are necessary for meditation. However, you can do it anytime, for example while waiting for the bus, taking a break during work, or in the midst of traffic congestion.

Meditation is one form of practice to focus and clear the mind, so you can feel calmer, more comfortable, and productive. This practice is generally done by sitting quietly, closing your eyes, and regulating your breathing slowly and regularly, at least for 10–20 minutes.

Yes, stress is indeed an inevitable part of life for everyone, especially for those with busy routines. To cope with stress, one can engage in meditation, one of which is mindfulness meditation.

What Are the Meditation Techniques for Stress Relief?

Mindfulness meditation creates a space between the mind and reactions to stress triggers. It brings one to a state of being aware of thoughts without feeling judged.

In fact, there are many benefits to meditation, including improving sleep quality, managing moods, increasing focus, and addressing specific conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, insomnia, depression, and more.

To practice mindfulness meditation, there are several techniques to be aware of. Techniques for relieving stress through mindfulness meditation include:

a. Attention Meditation Technique

This technique relies on focusing attention on the breath, coupled with recognizing and exploring thoughts that may arise. In essence, it’s like standing on the riverbank, enjoying the flow without diving directly into it.

b. Music Meditation Technique

This technique involves using music throughout the process. You can meditate with different music and rhythms. Especially for those suffering from tinnitus (perceiving silence as disturbing), using this technique to relieve stress is an excellent choice.

See also : Achieving a Clutter-Free Home: Minimalist Living Tips

c. Body Scanning Meditation Technique

This technique directs attention gradually from one part of the body to another. For example, you can start by focusing attention from the toes to the head. During body scanning meditation, stress-triggering thoughts gradually shift to calming and positive thoughts.

d. Mantra Meditation Technique

Mantra meditation uses calming words or phrases. These mantras divert disturbing thoughts. This technique can be likened to a lullaby, with each verse bringing you into a calm and relaxed state.

e. Walking Meditation Technique

When you hear the term meditation, you might associate it with sitting still. However, meditation doesn’t always have to be static. Walking meditation combines physical activity with full awareness, making it a suitable choice for those who enjoy being active.

f. Loving-Kindness Meditation Technique

Loving-kindness meditation involves sending good intentions, doing good deeds, and mentally expressing affection for oneself, followed by expressing feelings of love. Examples of loving-kindness phrases include “may you always be happy, healthy, and peaceful.” You can also use other beautiful phrases to cultivate positive feelings and alleviate stress.

How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation?

After learning mindfulness meditation techniques, here’s how to practice it:

1. Choose the Right Environment

The environment plays a crucial role in the success of your meditation. Start by finding the right practice space. You can meditate indoors, in a garden surrounded by trees, or in a place free from stress-triggering work environments.

Next, find comfort. You can adjust the room temperature, sit on a soft cushion, and allocate time. Meditation time can start from 10 minutes or can be adjusted according to your needs.

See also : Healthy Meal Prep Ideas to Ease Busy Weekdays

2. Begin Meditating

Once you’ve found the right environment, you must manage your thoughts and take deep breaths when starting meditation. During the meditation process, position yourself as not being what is in your mind.

3. Practice Mindfulness Techniques

Lastly, you can practice the mindfulness techniques mentioned earlier. Just as in weight loss, you must eat calmly or meditate while walking to keep your muscles moving and not tense.

Also, focus on the sensations you’re experiencing. Especially if your body feels pain or tension in certain areas, you can start meditating by focusing on those areas.

Basically, anything a person does can be turned into meditation. You can start meditating while brushing your teeth, driving a car, and so on. However, the most important thing is to meditate gradually so that your focus is not divided by various distractions, maintaining comfort and peace during the meditation process.

It’s important to note that meditation is an individual journey aimed at self-exploration and finding what works for you. Therefore, the mindfulness meditation techniques above are not a universal solution to the stress you face. In fact, with just one meditation technique, you can achieve what you desire.